
class fasttrips.Trip(input_archive, output_dir, gtfs_feed, today, stops, routes, prepend_route_id_to_trip_id)[source]

Bases: object

Trip class.

One instance represents all of the transit vehicle trips.

Stores Trip information in Trip.trips_df, an instance of pandas.DataFrame and stop time information in Trip.stop_times_df, another instance of pandas.DataFrame.

Also stores Vehicle information in Trip.vehicles_df and Service Calendar information in Trip.service_df

__init__(input_archive, output_dir, gtfs_feed, today, stops, routes, prepend_route_id_to_trip_id)[source]

Constructor. Read the gtfs data from the transitfeed schedule, and the additional fast-trips stops data from the input files in input_archive.


__init__(input_archive, output_dir, …) Constructor.
add_numeric_trip_id(input_df, id_colname, …) Passing a pandas.DataFrame with a trip ID column called id_colname, adds the numeric trip id as a column named numeric_newcolname and returns it.
add_original_travel_time_and_dwell() Add original travel time to the Trip.stop_times_df as the column named Trip.STOPTIMES_COLUMN_ORIGINAL_TRAVEL_TIME
add_shape_dist_traveled(stops) For any trips in Trip.stop_times_df with rows that are missing column shape_dist_traveled, this method will fill in the column from the stop longitude & latitude.
add_trip_attrs_from_stoptimes() Adds the columns Trip.TRIPS_COLUMN_MAX_STOP_SEQUENCE and Trip.TRIPS_COLUMN_TRIP_DEPARTURE_TIME to the Trip.trips_df datatable to facilitate stop time updates in Trip.update_trip_times()
calculate_headways(trips_df) Calculates headways and sets them into the given trips_df pandas.DataFrame.
get_full_trips() Returns the fullest dataframe of trip + stop information.
get_scheduled_departure(trip_id, stop_id) Return the scheduled departure time for the given stop as a datetime.datetime
get_stop_times(trip_id) Returns pandas.DataFrame with stop times for the given trip id.
has_capacity_configured() Returns true if seated capacity and standing capacity are columns included in the vehicles input.
linkify_vehicle_trips(veh_trips_df, stops) Given a vehicle trips table with columns:
number_of_stops(trip_id) Return the number of stops in this trip.
reset_onboard(df) Resets the onboard fields for the given vehicle trip table.
update_trip_times(trips_df, MSA_RESULTS) Updates trip times for stops with boards and/or alights.
write_trips_for_extension() This writes to an intermediate file a formatted file for the C++ extension.


DEFAULT_HEADWAY Default headway if no previous matching route/trip
INPUT_VEHICLES_FILE File with fasttrips vehicles information.
OUTPUT_TRIPINFO_FILE File with trip information
OUTPUT_TRIP_ID_NUM_FILE File with trip ID, trip ID number correspondence
SERVICE_COLUMN_END_DATE fasttrips Service column name: End Date as
SERVICE_COLUMN_END_DATE_STR fasttrips Service column name: End Date string in ‘YYYYMMDD’ format
SERVICE_COLUMN_START_DATE fasttrips Service column name: Start Date as
SERVICE_COLUMN_START_DATE_STR fasttrips Service column name: Start Date string in ‘YYYYMMDD’ format
SIM_COL_VEH_ALIGHTS Result column name: Alights.
SIM_COL_VEH_BOARDS Result column name: Boards.
SIM_COL_VEH_FRICTION Result column name: Friction.
SIM_COL_VEH_MSA_ALIGHTS Result column name: MSA of column SIM_COL_VEH_ALIGHTS.
SIM_COL_VEH_MSA_BOARDS Result column name: MSA of column SIM_COL_VEH_BOARDS.
SIM_COL_VEH_MSA_FRICTION Result column name: MSA Friction.
SIM_COL_VEH_MSA_ONBOARD Result column name: MSA Onboard.
SIM_COL_VEH_MSA_OVERCAP Result column name: Number of MSA onboard passengers minus capacity.
SIM_COL_VEH_MSA_STANDEES Result column name: MSA Standeeds.
SIM_COL_VEH_ONBOARD Result column name: Onboard.
SIM_COL_VEH_OVERCAP Result column name: Number of onboard passengers minus capacity.
SIM_COL_VEH_OVERCAP_FRAC Result column name: Percentage of boards that are problematic.
SIM_COL_VEH_STANDEES Result column name: Standees.
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_ARRIVAL_TIME gtfs Stop times column name: Arrival time.
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_ARRIVAL_TIME_MIN Stop times column name: Arrival time.
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_DEPARTURE_TIME gtfs Stop times column name: Departure time.
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_DEPARTURE_TIME_MIN Stop times column name: Departure time.
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_DROP_OFF_TYPE gtfs Stop times stop times column name: Drop Off Type
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_DWELL_TIME fasttrips Trips column name: Dwell Time.
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_DWELL_TIME_SEC fasttrips Trips column name: Dwell Time in seconds.
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_HEADSIGN gtfs Stop times stop times column name: Stop Headsign
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_ORIGINAL_TRAVEL_TIME fasttrips Trips column name: Original Travel Time.
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_PICKUP_TYPE gtfs Stop times stop times column name: Pickup Type
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_SHAPE_DIST_TRAVELED gtfs Stop times stop times column name: Shape Distance Traveled
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_STOP_ID gtfs Stop times column name: Stop unique identifier
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_STOP_ID_NUM fasttrips Trips column name: Stop Numerical Identifier.
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_STOP_SEQUENCE gtfs Stop times column name: Sequence number of stop within a trip.
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_TIMEPOINT gtfs Stop times stop times column name: Time Point
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_TRAVEL_TIME fasttrips Trips column name: Travel Time.
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_TRAVEL_TIME_SEC fasttrips Trips column name: Travel Time in seconds.
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_TRIP_ID gtfs Stop times column name: Trip unique identifier.
STOPTIMES_COLUMN_TRIP_ID_NUM fasttrips Trips column name: Trip Numerical Identifier.
TRIPS_COLUMN_DIRECTION_ID gtfs Trip column name: Direction binary identifier.
TRIPS_COLUMN_MAX_STOP_SEQUENCE fasttrips Trips column name: Max Stop Sequence number.
TRIPS_COLUMN_MODE_NUM fasttrips Trips column name: Mode Numerical Identifier.
TRIPS_COLUMN_ROUTE_ID gtfs Trips column name: Route unique identifier.
TRIPS_COLUMN_ROUTE_ID_NUM fasttrips Trips column name: Route Numerical Identifier.
TRIPS_COLUMN_SERVICE_ID gtfs Trips column name: Service unique identifier.
TRIPS_COLUMN_SHAPE_ID gtfs Trip column name: Shape ID
TRIPS_COLUMN_TRIP_DEPARTURE_TIME fasttrips Trip column name: Trip departure time (from the first stop).
TRIPS_COLUMN_TRIP_ID gtfs Trips column name: Unique identifier.
TRIPS_COLUMN_TRIP_ID_NUM fasttrips Trips column name: Trip Numerical Identifier.
TRIPS_COLUMN_VEHICLE_NAME fasttrips Trips column name: Vehicle Name
VEHICLES_COLUMN_ACCELERATION fasttrips Vehicles column name: Acceleration (feet per (second^2)) float.
VEHICLES_COLUMN_BICYCLE_CAPACITY fasttrips Vehicles column name: Bicycle Capacity
VEHICLES_COLUMN_DECELERATION fasttrips Vehicles column name: Decelration (feet per (second^2)) float.
VEHICLES_COLUMN_DWELL_FORMULA fasttrips Vehilces column name: Dwell formula (string)
VEHICLES_COLUMN_MAXIMUM_SPEED fasttrips Vehicles column name: Maximum Speed (mph)
VEHICLES_COLUMN_MAXIMUM_SPEED_FPS fasttrips Vehicles column name: Maximum Speed (fps)
VEHICLES_COLUMN_NUMBER_OF_DOORS fasttrips Vehicles column name: Number of Doors
VEHICLES_COLUMN_PLATFORM_HEIGHT fasttrips Vehicles column name: Platform Height (inches)
VEHICLES_COLUMN_PROPULSION_TYPE fasttrips Vehicles column name: Propulsion Type
VEHICLES_COLUMN_SEATED_CAPACITY fasttrips Vehicles column name: Seated Capacity
VEHICLES_COLUMN_STANDING_CAPACITY fasttrips Vehicles column name: Standing Capacity
VEHICLES_COLUMN_TOTAL_CAPACITY fasttrips Trips column name: Vehicle Total (Seated + Standing) Capacity
VEHICLES_COLUMN_VEHICLE_DESCRIPTION fasttrips Vehicles column name: Vehicle Description
VEHICLES_COLUMN_VEHICLE_LENGTH fasttrips Vehicles column name: Vehicle Length (feet)
VEHICLES_COLUMN_VEHICLE_NAME fasttrips Vehicles column name: Vehicle name (identifier)
VEHICLES_COLUMN_WHEELCHAIR_CAPACITY fasttrips Vehicles column name: Wheelchair Capacity (overrides trip)
add_numeric_trip_id(input_df, id_colname, numeric_newcolname)[source]

Passing a pandas.DataFrame with a trip ID column called id_colname, adds the numeric trip id as a column named numeric_newcolname and returns it.


Add original travel time to the Trip.stop_times_df as the column named Trip.STOPTIMES_COLUMN_ORIGINAL_TRAVEL_TIME

Copies it into working travel time columns Trip.STOPTIMES_COLUMN_TRAVEL_TIME and Trip.STOPTIMES_COLUMN_TRAVEL_TIME_SEC

Also adds dwell time columns named Trip.STOPTIMES_COLUMN_DWELL_TIME and Trip.STOPTIMES_COLUMN_DWELL_TIME_SEC


For any trips in Trip.stop_times_df with rows that are missing column shape_dist_traveled, this method will fill in the column from the stop longitude & latitude. stops is a Stop instance.


this will be in miles, but should be configurable


Adds the columns Trip.TRIPS_COLUMN_MAX_STOP_SEQUENCE and Trip.TRIPS_COLUMN_TRIP_DEPARTURE_TIME to the Trip.trips_df datatable to facilitate stop time updates in Trip.update_trip_times()

static calculate_headways(trips_df)[source]

Calculates headways and sets them into the given trips_df pandas.DataFrame.

Returns pandas.DataFrame with headway column added.


Returns the fullest dataframe of trip + stop information.

get_scheduled_departure(trip_id, stop_id)[source]

Return the scheduled departure time for the given stop as a datetime.datetime

TODO: problematic if the stop id occurs more than once in the trip.


Returns pandas.DataFrame with stop times for the given trip id.


Returns true if seated capacity and standing capacity are columns included in the vehicles input.

static linkify_vehicle_trips(veh_trips_df, stops)[source]

Given a vehicle trips table with columns:

Transforms and returns a link-version more relevant to passengers. The columns will be: * mode, mode_num, route_id, route_id_num, trip_id, trip_id_num * A_id, A_id_num, A_seq * B_id, B_id_num, B_seq * A_lat, A_lon * B_lat, B_lon * A_arrival_time, A_departure_time, B_arrival_time, B_departure_time


Return the number of stops in this trip.

static reset_onboard(df)[source]

Resets the onboard fields for the given vehicle trip table.

static update_trip_times(trips_df, MSA_RESULTS)[source]

Updates trip times for stops with boards and/or alights.

If vehicle max_speed and deceleration rate specified, for non first/last stop, adds lost time due to stopping. If vehicle max_speed and acceleration rate specified, for non first/last stop, adds lost time due to stopping. If dwell time formula specified, adds dwell time at stop.



This writes to an intermediate file a formatted file for the C++ extension. Since there are strings involved, it’s easier than passing it to the extension.


Default headway if no previous matching route/trip

INPUT_STOPTIMES_FILE = 'stop_times_ft.txt'
INPUT_TRIPS_FILE = 'trips_ft.txt'
INPUT_VEHICLES_FILE = 'vehicles_ft.txt'

File with fasttrips vehicles information. See vehicles_ft specification.

OUTPUT_TRIPINFO_FILE = 'ft_intermediate_trip_info.txt'

File with trip information

OUTPUT_TRIP_ID_NUM_FILE = 'ft_intermediate_trip_id.txt'

File with trip ID, trip ID number correspondence


fasttrips Service column name: End Date as


fasttrips Service column name: End Date string in ‘YYYYMMDD’ format


fasttrips Service column name: Start Date as


fasttrips Service column name: Start Date string in ‘YYYYMMDD’ format


Result column name: Alights. Int.


Result column name: Boards. Int.


Result column name: Friction. Where positive, friction = on+off+standees. Int.

SIM_COL_VEH_MSA_ALIGHTS = 'msa_alights'

Result column name: MSA of column SIM_COL_VEH_ALIGHTS. Float.

SIM_COL_VEH_MSA_BOARDS = 'msa_boards'

Result column name: MSA of column SIM_COL_VEH_BOARDS. Float.

SIM_COL_VEH_MSA_FRICTION = 'msa_friction'

Result column name: MSA Friction. Where positive, MSA friction = MSA boards + MSA alights + MSA standees. Float.

SIM_COL_VEH_MSA_ONBOARD = 'msa_onboard'

Result column name: MSA Onboard. Cumulative sum of SIM_COL_VEH_MSA_BOARDS - SIM_COL_VEH_MSA_ALIGHTS. Float.

SIM_COL_VEH_MSA_OVERCAP = 'msa_overcap'

Result column name: Number of MSA onboard passengers minus capacity. Float.

SIM_COL_VEH_MSA_STANDEES = 'msa_standees'

Result column name: MSA Standeeds. MSA onboard - sitting capacity, if configured. Float.


Result column name: Onboard. Cumulative sum of SIM_COL_VEH_BOARDS - SIM_COL_VEH_ALIGHTS. Int.


Result column name: Number of onboard passengers minus capacity. Int. Can be negative.

SIM_COL_VEH_OVERCAP_FRAC = 'overcap_frac'

Result column name: Percentage of boards that are problematic. (overcap/boards)


Result column name: Standees. Onboard - sitting capacity, if configured. Int.


gtfs Stop times column name: Arrival time. This is a DateTime.


Stop times column name: Arrival time. This is a float, minutes after midnight.


gtfs Stop times column name: Departure time. This is a DateTime.


Stop times column name: Departure time. This is a float, minutes after midnight.


gtfs Stop times stop times column name: Drop Off Type


fasttrips Trips column name: Dwell Time. This is a timedelta.


fasttrips Trips column name: Dwell Time in seconds. Float


gtfs Stop times stop times column name: Stop Headsign


fasttrips Trips column name: Original Travel Time. This is a timedelta. This represents the travel from original input, and is assumed to include accel from first stop and decel to last stop, but no dwell times and no other accel/decel times.


gtfs Stop times stop times column name: Pickup Type


gtfs Stop times stop times column name: Shape Distance Traveled


gtfs Stop times column name: Stop unique identifier


fasttrips Trips column name: Stop Numerical Identifier. Int.


gtfs Stop times column name: Sequence number of stop within a trip. Starts at 1 and is sequential


gtfs Stop times stop times column name: Time Point


fasttrips Trips column name: Travel Time. This is a timedelta.


fasttrips Trips column name: Travel Time in seconds. Float.


gtfs Stop times column name: Trip unique identifier. (String)


fasttrips Trips column name: Trip Numerical Identifier. Int.


gtfs Trip column name: Direction binary identifier.


fasttrips Trips column name: Max Stop Sequence number. Int.


fasttrips Trips column name: Mode Numerical Identifier. Int.


gtfs Trips column name: Route unique identifier.

TRIPS_COLUMN_ROUTE_ID_NUM = 'route_id_num'

fasttrips Trips column name: Route Numerical Identifier. Int.


gtfs Trips column name: Service unique identifier.


gtfs Trip column name: Shape ID

TRIPS_COLUMN_TRIP_DEPARTURE_TIME = 'trip_departure_time'

fasttrips Trip column name: Trip departure time (from the first stop).


gtfs Trips column name: Unique identifier. This will be the index of the trips table. (object)

TRIPS_COLUMN_TRIP_ID_NUM = 'trip_id_num'

fasttrips Trips column name: Trip Numerical Identifier. Int.


fasttrips Trips column name: Vehicle Name


fasttrips Vehicles column name: Acceleration (feet per (second^2)) float.


fasttrips Vehicles column name: Bicycle Capacity


fasttrips Vehicles column name: Decelration (feet per (second^2)) float.


fasttrips Vehilces column name: Dwell formula (string)


fasttrips Vehicles column name: Maximum Speed (mph)


fasttrips Vehicles column name: Maximum Speed (fps)


fasttrips Vehicles column name: Number of Doors


fasttrips Vehicles column name: Platform Height (inches)


fasttrips Vehicles column name: Propulsion Type


fasttrips Vehicles column name: Seated Capacity


fasttrips Vehicles column name: Standing Capacity


fasttrips Trips column name: Vehicle Total (Seated + Standing) Capacity


fasttrips Vehicles column name: Vehicle Description


fasttrips Vehicles column name: Vehicle Length (feet)


fasttrips Vehicles column name: Vehicle name (identifier)


fasttrips Vehicles column name: Wheelchair Capacity (overrides trip)