
Functions to simplify running Fast-Trips.


main() Does arg parsing for command line interface.
run_fasttrips(**kwargs) Wrapper function to set up and run fast-trips.
run_setup(input_network_dir, …[, …]) Reads run configuration files from network and demand input directories.

Does arg parsing for command line interface.


Wrapper function to set up and run fast-trips. The fast trips parameters as a combination of parameters read from the control file, but overwritten with parameters passed into this function.

fasttrips.Run.run_setup(input_network_dir, input_demand_dir, input_weights, run_config, iters, output_dir, pathfinding_type='stochastic', input_functions=None, output_folder=None, trace_only=False, **kwargs)[source]

Reads run configuration files from network and demand input directories. If additional parameters are input here, they will override the run configuration files.

Named Keyword arguments:

input_network_dir – the input directory with GTFS-PLUS networks (required) input_demand_dir – the input directory with the dyno-demand files (required) input_weights – the file with the pathweight parameters (required) run_config – the file with further run configs (required) iters – number of global iterations, integer (required) output_dir – where to put the output folder (required). Will be created if it doesn’t already exist.

pathfinding_type – one of [‘stochastic’,’deterministic’,’file’] (default: stochastic) input_functions – the file with user functions output_folder – where to put the outputs. Will be created if it doesn’t already exist. trace_only – will only run demand for the trace. Will not overwrite other output (default: False)

Unnamed keyword arguments:

num_trips – if specified, will process this number of trips and ignore the rest pf_iters – Integer. If specified, will set the maximum number of pathfinding iterations(default: 10) dispersion – theta parameter; essentially the nesting parameter. Good value is between 0.5-1. (default: 1.0) max_stop_process_count = maximum number of times you will re-processe a node (default: 20) capacity – Boolean to activate capacity constraints (default: False)

overlap_variable – One of [‘None’,’count’,’distance’,’time’]. Variable to use for overlap penalty calculation (default: ‘count’) overlap_split_transit – Boolean.Split transit for path overlap penalty calculation (default: False)

time_window = Integer. The time window in minutes where a passenger searches for a eminating transit route at each node. transfer_fare_ignore_pathfinding = Boolean. In path-finding, suppress trying to adjust fares using transfer rules. For performance. transfer_fare_ignore_pathenum = Boolean. In path-enumeration, suppress trying to adjust fares using transfer rules. For performance. number_of_processes = Integer. Number of processes to run at once (default: 1) output_pathset_per_sim_iter = Boolean. Output pathsets per simulation iteration? (default: false)

debug_output_columnns – boolean to activate extra columns for debugging (default: False)