

We attempt as much as possible to adhere to PEP8. Adherence to PEP8 standards can be checked using the pycodestyle package from your fast-trips directory:

pycodestyle fasttrips

Development Workflow

Aside from the core developer team, we use a fork-and-pull workflow.

We use the Git Flow branching model whereby there is always a master and develop branch. New features should always be developed in a branch from the develop branch.

In general, development should respond to identified issues that proceed along a general roadmap for Fast-Trips. If no issue exists then please consider making one before proceeding so that your approach can be discussed with the team. When possible, issues should be written as user stories.

When possible, the team strives to adhere to agile software development principles.



There are a couple dozen tests that are stored in \tests. They can be run by installing the PyTest library ( pip install pytest and executing the command pytest from the command line within your <fast-trips-dir>.

Most of the tests use test scenarios that can be found in the fasttrips/Examples directory.

Many (but not all) of the tests can be individually run by giving the command python tests/test_<TESTNAME>.py.

Test output defaults to the folder fasttrips/Examples/output

Continuous Integration

We use the Travis-CI continuous integration service as follows:

  • Every push to GitHub will run tests denoted by the @pytest.mark.test.basic function decorator, which is a small subset of system level tests.
  • Every push to master or develop branches will run tests denoted by the @pytest.mark.test.travis function decorator.

These subsets were created to limit the time it takes for Travis to run all the tests. When doing invasive development, they are not a substitute for running the entire test suite locally using the ``py.test`` command.

Additionally, it is important to understand that most of the tests are system-level tests that do not guarantee correct results so much as they make sure the system runs without an error.

For documentation-only commits, put “skip ci” somewhere in your commit message to not trigger the Travis testing.

Some regression tests have regression output that needs to be refreshed an thus have a function decorator @pytest.mark.skip so that they are skipped.

Test Descriptions

To run:

python tests/<Test File>
Test Name Test File Status Description
Assignment Type   Tests both deterministic and stochastic shortest path and hyperpaths.
Simple Bunny Hop BASIC, TRAVIS Tests forward and backward stochastic hyperpaths as well as a sensitivity test with a different network.
Calculate Cost SKIP Regression test of cost calculations.
Convergence SKIP  
Cost Symmetry MANUAL Tests that the costs from the c++ pathfinding and the python calculate cost functions return the same values.
Dispersion Levels TRAVIS Runs dispersion levels at .0, 0.5, 0.1
Distance Calculation Out of date; skip  
Tests shortcuts in fare calculation:
  • ignore pathfinding
  • ignore pathfinding and path Enumeration
Feedback TRAVIS Runs demand for three iterations w/ and w/out capacity constraints
GTFS Manual Test that we can read and process GTFS-Plus
Max Stop Process Count Manual Tests 10, 50, and 100 for value of max stop process count – the maximum times you will re-process a node (default: None)
Overlap Functions TRAVIS Tests both overlap type and whether or not each transit segment is broken and up into parts. Tests: overlap variable: count, distance, time overlap split: Boolean
Flexible Departure/ TRAVIS Tests that flexible departure and arrival window penalties are working.
Arrival Windows      
Penalty Functions TRAVIS Tests that penalty functions for flexible departure and arrival windows work.
Regional Network TRAVIS Tests that things work on a large, regional network
User Classes Manual Uses multiple user classes as defined in
Function Transformations TRAVIS  


Multiprocessing is not tested because it is incompatible with PyTest


Functions, classes and methods should be documented using restructured text docstrings to be compiled in SPHINX using autodoc functionality, doxygen for c++, and breathe to link them.

The resulting HTML is then manually pushed to the gh-pages branch.

To rebuild the documentation, you must have sphinx, numpydoc, and the read-the-docs sphinx theme installed:

pip install sphinx numpydoc sphinx_rtd_theme breathe

To update the c++ documentation (if needed), you will also need to install doxygen and the breathe python library:

pip install breathe

Follow directions on doxygen page to install, or if you have brew installed on a mac, use the command:

brew install doxygen

Make sure the file doc\doxygen.conf adds the breathe package location to your path using sys.path.append.

Building documentation

If you have updated the c++ module, you should first update its documentation by running the following command from the \doc directory:

doxygen doxygen.conf

This will output xml-formatted documentation to :code: doc\source\doxygen\xml.

Then run sphinx running the following command from the :code: \doc directory:

sphinx-build -b html source build

Push documentation to gh-pages branch

The resulting files in the doc/html directory should be published to the gh-pages branch in the .git repository, making sure it is clean ahead of time. This can be done via a GUI or by using the following commands from the root fast-trips directory:

tar czf /tmp/html.tgz doc/build/** ## zips and copies files to temp directory
git checkout gh-pages              ## checks out github pages directory
git rm -rf .                       ## clean out gh-pages branch...but not the .git folder!
tar xzf /tmp/html.tgz              ## unzip the html that you had stashed in the temp directory
git add .
git commit -a -m "documentation for version x.x"
git push origin gh-pages


make sure you have made any commits to the code you wanted to keep before checking out the gh-pages branch!

Todo List

Please see the Issues list on Github as well as the in-code todo list below.


This is really about the access and egress links; perhaps it should be renamed?

(The original entry is located in /home/travis/virtualenv/python3.6.3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fasttrips/ of fasttrips.TAZ, line 6.)


This neglects the start_time/end_time issue. Don’t use without fixing.

(The original entry is located in /home/travis/virtualenv/python3.6.3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fasttrips/ of fasttrips.TAZ.add_distance, line 3.)


clean this up? Rename intermediate files (they’re not really output)

(The original entry is located in /home/travis/virtualenv/python3.6.3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fasttrips/ of fasttrips.TAZ.write_access_egress_for_extension, line 6.)


Remove these? Maybe weights should be distance based? Walk speed is configured how?

(The original entry is located in /home/travis/virtualenv/python3.6.3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fasttrips/ of fasttrips.Transfer.TRANSFERS_COLUMN_TIME, line 3.)


Make this configurable?

(The original entry is located in /home/travis/virtualenv/python3.6.3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fasttrips/ of fasttrips.Transfer.WALK_SPEED_MILES_PER_HOUR, line 3.)


this will be in miles, but should be configurable

(The original entry is located in /home/travis/virtualenv/python3.6.3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fasttrips/ of fasttrips.Trip.add_shape_dist_traveled, line 4.)


Releases are manually uploaded to the Python Package Index (PyPI).