Using Fast-Trips

Localization Process

Potential Steps:
  1. Prepare local network and demand data
  2. Prepare performance/validation metrics
  3. Posit initial set of configuration parameters for an initial validation
  4. Evaluate performance of fast-trips compared to validation data
  5. Re-evaluate steps 1-3 until you are satisfied with the output of step 4

The following are examples from the localization process in the San Francisco Bay Area

Prepare Local Network and Demand Data

Prepare Performance metrics

Posit initial parameters

Evaluate performance

If there exists a survey with transit path details that can be converted to the dyno-path format as well, Fast-Trips results can be summarized and validated against the survey observations. One such effort has been made to validate Fast-Trips output against two surveys in San Francisco Bay Area - Transit On-Board Survey (OBS) and California Household Travel Survey (CHTS). The scripts and detailed instructions to process the surveys and generate summary dashboards in Tableau can be found in the fast-trips-validation repository.

Scenario Evaluation

## Summarizing Results