Source code for fasttrips.FastTrips

from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import str
from builtins import object
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015 Contributing Entities"
__license__   = """
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
import os
import sys

import partridge as ptg

from .Assignment  import Assignment
from .Logger      import FastTripsLogger, setupLogging
from .Passenger   import Passenger
from .Performance import Performance
from .Route       import Route
from .Stop        import Stop
from .TAZ         import TAZ
from .Transfer    import Transfer
from .Trip        import Trip
from .Util        import Util

[docs]class FastTrips(object): """ This is the model itself. Should be simple and run pieces and store the big data structures. """ #: Info log filename. Writes brief information about program progression here. INFO_LOG = "ft_info%s.log" #: Debug log filename. Detailed output goes here, including trace information. DEBUG_LOG = "ft_debug%s.log"
[docs] def __init__(self, input_network_archive, input_demand_dir, input_weights, run_config, output_dir, input_functions=None, logname_append="", appendLog=False): """ Constructor. Reads configuration and input files from *input_network_dir*. Writes output files to *output_dir*, including log files. :param input_network_dir: Location of network csv files to read :type input_network_dir: string :param input_demand_dir: Location of demand csv files to read :type input_demand_dir: string :param input_weights: Location of pathweight file :type input_weights: string :param run_config: Location of run configuraiton file. :type run_config: string :param output_dir: Location to write output and log files. :type output_dir: string :param logname_append: Modifier for info and debug log filenames. So workers can write their own logs. :type logname_append: string :param appendLog: Append to info and debug logs? When FastTrips assignment iterations (to handle capacity bumps), we'd like to append rather than overwrite. :type appendLog: bool """ #: :py:class:`collections.OrdederedDict` of :py:class:`fasttrips.Passenger` instances indexed by passenger's path ID self.passengers = None #: :py:class:`dict` with :py:attr:`fasttrips.Stop.stop_id` key and :py:class:`fasttrips.Stop` value self.stops = None #: :py:class:`dict` with :py:attr:`fasttrips.Route.route_id` key and :py:class:`fasttrips.Route` value self.routes = None #: :py:class:`dict` with :py:attr:`fasttrips.TAZ.taz_id` key and :py:class:`fasttrips.TAZ` value self.tazs = None #: :py:class:`dict` with :py:attr:`fasttrips.Trip.trip_id` key and :py:class:`fasttrips.Trip` value self.trips = None #: string representing directory with input network data Assignment.INPUT_NETWORK_ARCHIVE = input_network_archive #: string representing directory with input demand data Assignment.INPUT_DEMAND_DIR = input_demand_dir #: string representing directory with input demand data Assignment.INPUT_WEIGHTS = input_weights #: string representing directory with input demand data Assignment.CONFIGURATION_FILE = run_config #: string representing directory with input demand data Assignment.CONFIGURATION_FUNCTIONS_FILE = input_functions #: string representing directory in which to write our output Assignment.OUTPUT_DIR = output_dir #: transitfeed schedule instance. See #self.gtfs_schedule = None # setup logging setupLogging(os.path.join(Assignment.OUTPUT_DIR, FastTrips.INFO_LOG % logname_append), os.path.join(Assignment.OUTPUT_DIR, FastTrips.DEBUG_LOG % logname_append), logToConsole=True, append=appendLog) # Initialize performance results self.performance = Performance()
[docs] def read_configuration(self): """ Read the fast-trips assignment and path-finding configuration """ self.performance.record_step_start(-1,-1,-1,"read_configuration") if Assignment.CONFIGURATION_FUNCTIONS_FILE: Assignment.read_functions(func_file = Assignment.CONFIGURATION_FUNCTIONS_FILE) Assignment.read_configuration(config_fullpath = Assignment.CONFIGURATION_FILE) Assignment.read_weights(weights_file = Assignment.INPUT_WEIGHTS)
[docs] def read_input_files(self): """ Reads in the input network and demand files and initializes the relevant data structures. """ self.performance.record_step_start(0,0,0,"read_input_files") # Read the gtfs files first"Reading GTFS schedule") service_ids_by_date =ptg.read_service_ids_by_date(Assignment.INPUT_NETWORK_ARCHIVE) service_ids = service_ids_by_date[Assignment.NETWORK_BUILD_DATE] gtfs_feed = ptg.feed(os.path.join(Assignment.INPUT_NETWORK_ARCHIVE), config=Util.get_fast_trips_config(), view={ 'trips.txt': { 'service_id': service_ids }, }) # Read Stops (gtfs-required) self.stops = Stop(Assignment.INPUT_NETWORK_ARCHIVE, Assignment.OUTPUT_DIR, gtfs_feed, Assignment.NETWORK_BUILD_DATE) # Read routes, agencies, fares self.routes = Route(Assignment.INPUT_NETWORK_ARCHIVE, Assignment.OUTPUT_DIR, gtfs_feed, Assignment.NETWORK_BUILD_DATE, self.stops) # Read Transfers self.transfers = Transfer(Assignment.INPUT_NETWORK_ARCHIVE, Assignment.OUTPUT_DIR, gtfs_feed) # Read trips, vehicles, calendar and stoptimes self.trips = Trip(Assignment.INPUT_NETWORK_ARCHIVE, Assignment.OUTPUT_DIR, gtfs_feed, Assignment.NETWORK_BUILD_DATE, self.stops, self.routes, Assignment.PREPEND_ROUTE_ID_TO_TRIP_ID) # read the TAZs into a TAZ instance self.tazs = TAZ(Assignment.OUTPUT_DIR, gtfs_feed, Assignment.NETWORK_BUILD_DATE, self.stops, self.transfers, self.routes) # Read the demand int passenger_id -> passenger instance self.passengers = Passenger(Assignment.INPUT_DEMAND_DIR, Assignment.OUTPUT_DIR, Assignment.NETWORK_BUILD_DATE, self.stops, self.routes, Assignment.CAPACITY_CONSTRAINT)
[docs] def run_assignment(self, output_dir): self.performance.record_step_start(-1,-1,-1,"run_assignment") # Do it! Try it! r = None try: # do this last before assigning paths so vlaues reflect pathfinding Assignment.write_configuration(Assignment.OUTPUT_DIR) r = Assignment.assign_paths(output_dir, self) except: print(("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])) FastTripsLogger.fatal("Unexpected error: %s" % str(sys.exc_info()[0])) raise self.performance.record_step_end(-1,-1,-1) self.performance.write(output_dir)"Successfully completed!") return r