passenger paths
A list of paths, with their timing and costs.
Related Terms
observed passenger path links
A list of links for observed paths, with their timing and costs, that a passenger has been observed taking. Often gained from an on-board survey or GPS data.
observed passenger path
A path, with waypoints, timing and costs, that the passenger was observed taking. Often gained from an on-board survey or GPS data. Full observed paths with all applicable waypoints can be difficult to obtain and verify the validity of. For example, on-board surveys often use a combination of stated, revealed, and intended paths because passengers are often intercepted mid-trip. GPS data often has complete revealed data, but can be subject to GPS errors, which are most drastic in urban environments. Therefore, observed passenger paths often have a great deal of interpolation and assumptions built into them that are important to understand when using them to evaluate a model.
observed transit vehicle trajectory
Trajectory of a transit vehicle as observed from automatic vehicle location (AVL) data or similar.
passenger path links
A list of links within passenger paths, with their timing and costs.
predicted passenger path choice set links
A list of links for a predicted path set/hyperpath, with their timing and costs, that the passenger considers taking.
predicted passenger path choice set
A list of feasible paths, with their timing and costs, that the passenger considers taking for a specific trip. In some frameworks, hyperpaths can be used to create the path choice set.
predicted passenger path links
The list of links for the path a passenger is predicted to take for a specific trip, with their timing and costs.
Predicted Passenger Path
A path, with timing and costs, that the passenger is predicted take for a specific trip.
predicted transit vehicle trajectory
Trajectory of a transit vehicle as predicted from a model.
scheduled transit vehicle trajectory
The intended trajectory of a transit vehicle. Also known as transit schedule.
transit schedule
The intended trajectory of a transit vehicle. Also known as scheduled transit vehicle trajectory.
transit vehicle trajectory
The trajectory of transit vehicle is a list of stops that are visited at specified time as they are carrying out one or more transit vehicle trips. Could be based on transit schedule, but also could be updated based on passenger activities or other disturbances.
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