non-motorized access link
A link that connects a transit stop and a destination via foot or other form of non-motorized travel. Generally exist for a continuous period of time.
Related Terms
adjacent notes
Nodes that are reachable from a node via a single link
A node that represents a person trip end-point.s
downstream link
A link that is reachable from a node (forward shortest-path) or a link that can reach the current node (backward shortest path)
downstream node
A node that is reachable from a node (forward shortest-path) or a node that can reach the current node (backward shortest path)
drive access link
A link that connect a drive access point and an origin via non-transit vehicle. Generally exist for a continuous period of time.
drive access point
A node that represents an access point to transit via driving such as a parking lot or drop-off point.
drive egress link
A link that connect a drive access point and a destination via non-transit vehicle. Generally exist for a continuous period of time.
emanating link
Links coming into or going out of a node.
a connection between nodes.
a specific point in space that represents a feature of the transit network
non-motorized egress link
A link that connects a transit stop and an origin via foot or other form of non-motorized travel. Generally exist for a continuous period of time.
A node that represents where a person trip starts.
A node that represents a transit stop.
transfer link
A link that connects two transit stops or a transit stop and another mode (i.e. a drive access point). Generally exists for a continuous period of time.
transit link
a link that connects two transit stops via a transit service. Generally exists for a specific, discrete time.
upstream link
A link that is reachable from a node (backward shortest-path) or a link that can reach the current node (forward shortest path)
upstream node
A node that is reachable from a node (backward shortest-path) or a node that can reach the current node (forward shortest path)
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