Related Terms
The disutility of a specific hyperpath or portion thereof for a specific user class. Based on both link features, path features, and the path weight parameters.
A feature that can be accurately represented for an individual link (e.g. in-vehicle-time, wait-time, walk-time). Some features, like fares, can be represented at a link level, but may not be accurate if used without understanding of the entire path due to dependent features such as maximum fares or transfers.
The parameter in the path-size logit model that scales the impact of the path size term.
A list of person trips with information required to assign them to vehicles.
Feature of a path that is summarized for the entire path. Can be an aggregation of the link features comprising the path (i.e. wait-time), or a variable that can only be calculated at the level of the entire path (e.g. fare, directness).
Coefficients on various components of the utility equation for the path choice model. Can be estimated, asserted, or inferred. Path weight parameters can either be based on a link feature (i.e. in-vehicle time) or path feature (i.e. directness). The path weight parameters can vary by user class.
Passenger market segments who use the same parameters (including path weight parameters) to find and assess paths. Common user class segmentations are by travel purpose and captive versus choice users.