GROUP: parameters


Used for modeling stochasticity. This parameter is between 0 and 1. Higher values for the parameter mean that higher cost links within a hyperlink are devalued compared to the lowest cost links in the hyperlink. That is, if the lowest cost for a hyperlink is c, when a new link gets added to the hyperlink with a cost higher than c, when θ is closer to 1, the more the new link has a low probability compared to the lowest cost link. The higher θ emphasizes the lowest cost link more.

The parameter in the path-size logit model that scales the impact of the path size term.

Coefficients on various components of the utility equation for the path choice model. Can be estimated, asserted, or inferred. Path weight parameters can either be based on a link feature (i.e. in-vehicle time) or path feature (i.e. directness). The path weight parameters can vary by user class.