################## Getting Started ################## *********************** Install Fast-Trips *********************** System Requirements: - Fast-Trips has been tested on Windows, Ubuntu, and Mac OS - Fast-Trips has been tested on Python 2.7.13 and 3.6 Recommended: - Conda package manager to manage virtual environments To compile from source: - **Windows**, `Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 `_ (or for whatever Python version you have) - **Linux**, the python-dev package Recommended: - GitHub Desktop - IDE like Atom, Sublime Text, etc. Fast-Trips can either be installed from source or from compilled binaries. Compilled binaries are made from commits to the "master" branch and are more stable, but less up-to-date than the source. Installing stable release from PyPI ------------------------------------ Creating a virtual environment using conda (recommended):: conda create fast-trips-env ft-py3 python=3.6 source activate fast-trips-env pip install fasttrips Installing into an existing python installation:: pip install fast-trips Installing from hosted source code -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want a more up-to-date version or access to the develop branch, you can install from the Github repository directly:: pip install git+https://github.com/bayareametro/fast-trips.git@develop#egg=fasttrips Installing from cloned source code (recommended for developers) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Install [Git][git-url] and if desired, a GUI for git like [GitHub Desktop](https://desktop.github.com/) 2. [Clone](git-clone-url) or [fork-and-clone][git-fork-url] the fast-trips repository (https://github.com/BayAreaMetro/fast-trips.git) to a local directory: ``. If the user plans on making changes to the code, it is recommended that the repository be [forked][git-fork-url] before cloning. 3. Switch to the branch of the repository that you want to use by either using GitHub Desktop or from the command line:: git checkout master The ``master`` branch should be the latest stable branch and the ``develop`` branch has the latest. Features are developed on feature-branches. 4. To build, in the fast-trips directory ````, run the following in a command prompt:: pip install -e . 5. *Optional* Install packages for creating documentation:: pip install -r dev-dependencies.txt Troubleshooting: - *Optional* Set the ``PYTHONPATH`` environment variable to the location of your fast-trips repo, which we're calling ````. .. note:: - Pandas 0.21.x has known issues, and it is not compatible with Fast-Trips. - Fast-trips currently uses a development version of the `Partridge `_ that is required in order to read unzipped GTFS files. Test the Install ------------------- - To run an example to make sure it is installed correctly, run from the ``:: python fasttrips\Examples\Bunny_Hop\run_bunny_hop.py (remember to use file separators appropriate for your operating system). *********************** I/O *********************** Fast-trips uses three sets of :ref:input files: 1. Passenger demand 2. Transit and access network 3. Configuration files Fast-Trips summarizes the passenger assignment in three ways: 1. Path-based 2. Vehicle-based 3. Link-based Additionally, individual passengers can be "traced" thru the system, which produces a detailed log-style accounting. Finally, Fast-Trips produces high-level performance outputs to measure both computing and transportation system performance. *********************** Go through Tutorials *********************** Download and complete the `Fast-Trips tutorials `_. Don't forget to open and use the `associated presentation `_.